The September 21, 2021 session of the NPI series "Ask What You Want to Know" was a panel discussion on the "Future Situation in Afghanistan and International Terrorism."
The August 26, 2021 session of the NPI series "Ask What You Want to Know" panel discussion on the "U.S.-China relationship: What is the U.S. thinking and what is China thinking? What are the prospects for the future?"
The July 29, 2021 session of the NPI series "Ask What You Want to Know" panel discussion on the "the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party and the future of the Xi Jinping administration."
Japan-Taiwan Dialogue 2020
Trilateral Conference in Chicago "Security in Asia-Pacific": Japan, US and ROK
Discussion on the issue of an Aging Society Opinion Exchange between NPI and Delegation from Canton of Bern, Switzerland
International Conference in Jakarta, "Maritime Security in East Asia: Regional and Functional Cooperation" (Co-organized by IIPS and CSIS Indonesia)
Visit of Vietnam's Vice Minister of Defence