Asia-Pacific Review, Vol. 21, No. 2(NOVEMBER 2014), is released.
The latest issue of the IIPS journal, Asia-Pacific Review, has been released.
In this issue, Japan's diplomacy is discussed in five articles including Japan's new security doctrine by Prof. Shinichi Kitaoka, changes in the Japan-Korea security relationship by Prof. Narushige Michishita, and Japan's choices in the current security environment by Prof. Arthur Waldron.
Other articles include Mr. Kanji Amemiya's analysis into what makes the US so innovative and Prof. Axel Berkofsky's analysis of EU's commitments with security issues in Asia.
Asia-Pacific Review, Vol. 21, Issue 2 (November 2014)
Shinichi Kitaoka, "A "Proactive Contribution to Peace" and the Right of Collective Self-Defense: The Development of Security Policy in the Abe Administration," pp. 1-18.
Narushige Michishita, "Changing Security Relationship between Japan and South Korea: Frictions and Hopes," pp. 19-32.
James L. Schoff, "A US-Japan Foreign Policy Alliance for Myanmar," pp. 33-60.
Axel Berkofsky, "The European Union (EU) in Asian Security: Actor with a Punch or Distant Bystander?" pp. 61-85.
James Llewelyn, "Japan's Cold War Diplomacy and its Return to Southeast Asia," pp. 86-116.
Naoko Kumagai, "Asia Women's Fund Revisited," pp. 117-148.
Kunal Mukherjee, "India's Fractured Northeastern Frontier: An Overview," pp. 149-171.
Kanji Amemiya, "What Makes the USA So Innovative? An Investigation into the Characteristics of Innovation and an Analysis and Discussion of the Factors that Foster Innovation in the USA," pp. 172-194.
Arthur Waldron, "Japan's Choices in a Changed Security Environment," pp. 195-212.