Asia-Pacific Review, Vol. 23, No. 2(NOVEMBER 2016), is released.
◆The Constitution of Japan and Constitutional Reform TAKESHI INOUE
◆The Bank of Japan's Monetary Policy Lacks a Strong Driving Force for Building Inflation Expectations: A Proposal for the Achievement of Labor-Management Agreement on Inflation Target of 2% and Base Wage Increases of 2% NOBUTOSHI KITAURA
◆The Mindanao Conflict: Efforts for Building Peace through Development NAOYUKI OCHIAI
◆How the East Asian Crisis Will Change International Relations ARTHUR WALDRON
◆Maritime Security in the Region: SCS and ECS as Key Arenas for Converging Political Interests YOJI KODA
◆"The Chinese Dream" and Chinese Foreign and Security Policies--Rosy Rhetoric versus Harsh Realities AXEL BERKOFSKY
◆Can Countries Establish Sovereignty over the Internet? KANJI AMEMIYA