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  • The October 16, 2024 session of the NPI series, "Ask What You Want to Know" on "The Future of the U.S. Presidential Election"
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The October 16, 2024 session of the NPI series, "Ask What You Want to Know" on "The Future of the U.S. Presidential Election"

The NPI "Ask What You Want to Know" series is a forum in which leading researchers and experts discuss issues of current interest and field questions from attendees.

In this issue, we spoke with two experts on the U.S. presidential election which is coming up on November 5, 2024.


Kubo Fumiaki, Senior Research Counselor, NPI; President, National Defense of Academy, Japan

Fujisaki Ichiro, Advisor, NPI; former Ambassador of Japan to the United States


Hirata Kenji, Senior Research Fellow, NPI

The main points of discussion were as follows:

  • How should we predict the outcome of the election?
  • Is there a possibility of chaos if candidate Trump does not accept the election results?
  • If candidate Harris is elected, what differences would there be compared to President Biden?
  • If Trump is elected, what should Japan's policy toward Ukraine be?
  • If Trump is elected, how do you foresee the impact on the increase in costs for the U.S. military presence in Japan, as well as on Japan-South Korea-U.S. cooperation and the Quad?
  • What impact will this election have on Nippon Steel's planned acquisition of U.S. Steel?
  • What are the reasons for Trump's support?
  • What is the historical significance of this election?
  • In the U.S. electoral system, a candidate can win the popular vote but still lose the election due to the Electoral College system. If this were the case, is there a possibility that the system could be changed?
  • There is a lot of attention being paid on trends in the battleground states, but are there other points that should be observed?
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